Hugo instruction @ Erwin | 2021-08-19T15:58:43+08:00 | 2 minutes read | Update at 2023-12-06T00:27:08Z

Elementary usage of hugo, recorded when I build this blog.

install hugo

sudo apt install hugo

basic usage

Create new site

hugo new site xxxx
# hugo new site yoursite

Create new passage

hugo new type/name
# hugo new posts/


hugo -config config_path server
# -D means display draft

Generate website

hugo --config config_path
# config_path can be defined in config.toml

My config.toml

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-Hans"
enableRobotsTXT = true
title = "LYH's Blog"
theme = "dream2.0b"
hasCJKLanguage = true
publishdir = "../publish"

  background = "#f2cac9"
  backgroundImage = "/img/1.jpg"
  linkColor = "seagreen"

  # dark mode c48fa4
  defaultDark = true
  backgroundDark = "#b36d61"
  backgroundImageDark = "/img/1.jpg"
  darkLinkColor = "darkseagreen"
  # darkNav = true
  # dark404 = true

  images = [""]

  author = "Erwin"
  description = "Li Yuanhao's Blog"
  avatar = "/img/ichigo_square.jpg"
  headerTitle = "Li Yuanhao's Blog"
  motto = "python yyds"
  # maxTags = 5
  # categoriesLimitInHeader = 6 # deprecated
  # headerBottomText = "" # deprecated

  # footerBottomText = ""

  #rss = true

  utterancesRepo = "erwinLiYH/utterances_repo"

  # valine = true

  email = ""
  #twitter = ""
  #facebook = ""
  #instagram = ""
  # mastodon = ""
  #linkedin = ""
  github = "ErwinLiYH"
  #stackoverflow = ""
  #codepen = ""

  siteStartYear = 2020

  favicon = "/favicon.ico"

  highlightjs = true
  highlightjsCDN = ""
  highlightjsTheme = "github"
  highlightjsThemeDark = "dracula"

  # search
  enableSearch = true

  # options
  showSummaryCoverInPost = true
  # hasTwitterEmbed = true
  # reversePostAndAside = true
  # shareInAside = true
  fixedNav = true
  # collapsibleTags = true
  # collapseBySummary = true

    customCSS = ["css/background.css"]
    # customJSBefore = []
    # customJS = []

    jsDate = true
    jsDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

    home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

© 2020 - 2024 Li Yuanhao's Blog

Powered by Hugo with theme Dream.


Li Yuanhao's BlogJust do it

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