Git advanced technique @ Erwin | 2023-07-27T20:08:10+01:00 | 2 minutes read | Update at 2023-12-18T11:50:36Z

Some useful git tips:

Stash, Checkout, partially staging and MV


stash some files.

Used when you need pull changes from remote repository, but you made some changes locally that are not ready to be commited.

git stash    # only unstaged
git stash -u # include untracked

recover files

git stash pop


Change current branch:

git checkout branch_name

Clean all unstaged change and recover to last commit status:

git checkout .


Restore the staging area status of the file, but not change the file.

git restore --staged xxx

Restore a file to staging area status. If have not staged any changes, restore from HEAD (staging area status is same as HEAD).

git restore xxx


Withdraw a commit, retain changes

git reset --soft HEAD^

Delete a commit, delete all changes in this commit

git reset --hard HEAD


Patch staging

Stage part of a file.


git add -p file

Then press e to edit mode.

Then remove all changes you don’t want to make in this commit:

  1. Remove - cahges by replacing - to ’ ’ (a space).
  2. Remove + changes by commenting whold line.


Move file xxx1 to xxx2. Both of the file and the git record will be removed.

git mv xxx1 xxx2


Untrack a file:

git rm --cached xxx # this is a change, need commit it to make it effective

Untrack all .DS_Store:

find . -name .DS_Store -exec git rm --cached {} \;


Ad sub-module:

git submodule add <repo URL> <path>
# like:
git submodule add externals/submodule

Remove sub-module:

# 1. Remove content in sub-module directory
git submodule deinit -f -- <path>

# 2. Edit .gitmodules, remove the sub-module in it

# 3. Edit .git/config, remove the sub-module in it

# 4. Stop tracking sub-module directory
git rm --cached <path>

# 5. Remove cached module and module folder
rm -rf .git/modules/<path>
rm -rf <path>

Clone repository with sub-module:

git submodule init
git submodule update
# Or
git clone --recurse-submodules


/.git/hooks/pre-push hook example:


# Path to the script that updates the last modification time

# Path to the folder you want to process

# Execute the script with the folder path as an argument
$script_path "$folder_path"

# If the script made changes, create a new commit
if ! git diff --quiet; then
    git commit -am "Auto-commit: Update last modification times"

# Continue with the push operation
exit 0

Then make the script executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push
chmod +x /path/to/

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